Gaming Contributors

Currently, I am a solo dev. However, it wouldn't be possible for me to do what I'm doing without people and companies in the industry to provide me with resources, knowledge and freebies. Thank you to all. Here's a list, if I left you out, let me know.

  • Unity - game engine and free learning resources.

  • Niantic - Lightship team, teach me AR, VPS, amazing tech.

  • Code Monkey - for his many instruction videos on unity and programming in general.

  • Meta (Oculus, Horizon World, SparkAR) - I own the very first Oculus Rift, it was one of most memorable experience in gaming I ever had.


There are so much knowledge sharing on Youtube, it's an unbelievably rich resource to get into any topic. Personal growth, technical skills, random tools and so much more.

  • Y Combinator - for teaching me about running a start up, what to avoid, how to become successful and how fund raising works. Really good business and life lessons in general.

  • Tech Lead - a unique sense of humor mixed with life and technical lessons. Watching his video is like dancing in a mine field.

  • Vinh Giang - communication skills. One of the most needed skill in my life which I am still working on. He answered a few of my struggles and I keep posting terrible dev log because of what I learned from his channel.

Other Contributors

Here are some more.

  • "Custom Gaming PC" ( by Yolala1232 - Front page image, desktop PC.