Fireworks World Effect and next 30 days

April 17, 2023

With Vicky and Alan’s wedding invitation completed on June 2, I took a few days off and then started working on the Spark AR world effect competition.

This project had several technical challenges.

  1. Projectile with high school physics that I haven’t used since… high school.
  2. Trigonometry needed to calculate x/y lengths based on angles.
  3. Learn to use “blocks” within the SparkAR tool.
  4. Experiencing performance lag due to number of emitters.

The fireworks effect was submitted and approved one day before the deadline. I’m happy how it turned out and learned a lot from this project.

In the next 30 days, I will be switching gears to go into full learning mode. Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up. SparkAR was fun and great for beginners who don’t code. I find many instance where I needed something but was limited by patches and I wished I knew how to code.

So that is something I will be working on in the next 30 days. Learn to code, specifically C# for Unity. Then I will also be taking Coursera courses offered by Meta on iOS and android development. I want to learn code from the basics and actually understand the fundamentals rather than copy pasting code that I don’t know why it’s working or not working.

A project in mind for Unity would be a board game that I designed couple years ago as kickstarter but didn’t get funded for production. An app version of that board game with multiplayer option would be cool.