My first iOS app!

April 17, 2023

What I have done since last update:

  1. Started learning Unity and Niantic Lightship ARDK
  2. Built a complete app called “7 Bounces” and used it to enter the Lightship Template Challenge.
  3. Completed first iOS app store submission, which is a lot more work than submitting an AR effect with Spark AR.
  4. Started learning frontend and backend development with Coursera. These are part of Meta certification program. About 9-10 courses per certificate. I have plans to build out this site into hosting all the mini games that can be used during meetings.
  5. World Effect competition result: 305/1000+. Percentile wise, I did better. I feel I have put a lot more work in creating the fireworks effect. The polish and coding were much improved. See all the top creators who won the competition here:

What are my thoughts so far:

  1. Lightship ARDK is really powerful and easy to use. I want to build more experience with other templates. Particularly multi-peer and VPS. I have some ideas but need to chew on it more before committing to next project.
  2. I’m a new mac user. It took me a few weeks to adjust to the mac os environment and learning a bunch of equivalent things that I could do in windows. The reason I bought a macbook is mostly because I’m done with gaming laptops on windows. This was also my major company credit card spend. Very impressed with the laptop so far, but it does not replace my 3080 RTX desktop.
  3. I’m going to change gears and shift away from SparkAR development and will create my next couple of projects in Unity/ARDK. I feel “filters” or games in video call on instagram and facebook is not the right platform. People don’t go to instagram call to play games. The most impression and time spent effects are instagram calls. The most captured effect is the fireworks. I want people to spend more than 5 seconds on the things I create. Instagram effects are mostly for people that swipes, looks at the effect, swipes. I’m a noob on instagram but that’s what creators are making.

    What do people value? A few engaging experience that requires some work vs abundance of short experience to look at then maybe try a few?
  4. I am slacking on media updates. I thought about doing a devlog providing weekly update. But even without the camera and recording, just posting a blog post takes time. I really need to give some thoughts on wether if I should continue to try to be a “youtuber”. I think that’s the only way to advertise my work in the future. Get comfortable doing it now to build up my skills that is needed in the future. It’s another bucket of time that I am reluctant to commit. It’s like exercise for most people, you know it’s good for you if you do it, but…

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading. See ya.