New Guide Section

October 29, 2023

Check out the new section on this website: Guides. This section is where I will share my learnings and insights while I’m developing my XR projects. Everything I've learned so far has come from individuals or companies who generously shared their resources for free. I feel I’m at the point where some of the things I'm doing are worthy of sharing because I don’t see these contents on youtube yet. Or maybe my network of youtube and linkedin following is still not big enough. 

Most start up fails. When they do, most people don’t hear about it, their project disappears forever. Making no impact on the world. Effort is wasted unless the founder learns something that can be applied to the next project or start up. Just speaking from statistics, there's a high chance that Gameology Space won’t make it past the first major product launch if not before. I hope my videos will help someone learn something, and have resources to skip some roadblocks that I had. Maybe, even a very small chance, inspires someone to do something. 

If you’ve watched any of my videos, you can tell that I’m not very good at it. To be good at something, you have to start somewhere. I don’t really have the time to make the videos perfect. I try to write a script and organize my content before shooting. But if I mess up a word, I will pause, repeat, and continue. That’s why you see very rough cuts in my video. Focus on the content first, production quality third, after the content and time. One thing that I know that I’m improving is my speech. My first video had 40+ um… in a 20 minute recording. Now, I have 2-4 um in 30-40 minute recordings. I will keep making videos, even though I am not good at it. Eventually, my delivery skill will catch up to other content creators out there who spend a lot of time shooting videos. 

Lastly, you understand something better when you try to teach it. When I had to put together the all hands library, it forced me to think about how to make the library portable, modular, and easy to maintain. All of which inherently force me to do better in organization and write better code. That makes me a better programmer, makes my work easier to reuse, and it helps someone jumpstart their project. Wins all around. 

In summary, three major reasons to make these videos: 

  1. “Altruism blunts the pain of failure” - Louis Rossmann 
  2. Before I’m good at something, I have to start, even if it means being bad at it first. 
  3. I also learned something from teaching, it also improves my work. 

If you're as passionate about XR development as I am, or even just a little bit curious, I invite you to check out the Guides section at the top section or the menu button if you're on mobile. Your feedback is invaluable, and if there's a topic you'd like me to cover, don't hesitate to reach out!