New Website

April 24, 2023

I had the first website hosted on wordpress, there's where a lot of people start building websites. After using it for a while, I don't like the plugin aspect of the platform. I'm sure people have spent time and figured out how to configure various aspects of plugins to make it work well for them. For me however, I find it inconsistent and hard to learn. It's very flexible if you know which plugin you know how to use. I had square space before, the amount of customization is limiting. After a round of research, I've decided to go with webflow.

For two main reasons, CSS and there's a way to inject script. Spent one week building this new website. I couldn't figure out how to do animation properly. There is a large learning curve if you want to use the animations. Very easy if you stick with blocks with additional CSS configuration.

I couldn't execute the idea I had in mind in one week. One awesome thing I did was playing with Omniverse Create. I was able to import models from Unity, Epic, Sketchfab and Nvidia library. Assembles the scene and add lighting to create the first two image you see in the front page.

The original idea is to show first image of gaming room in an apartment, as user scrolls down, a VR goggle will move up and scale up to dim the screen for 0.5 seconds. As user keeps scrolling down, the next image appears in same location.

I spent 6+ hours trying to figure out how to do this in webflow but couldn't get it to work the way I imagined. Under the time constraint I have, I changed it to a simple gif. Maybe in the future I will revisit this idea.

Here's a screen capture of the old website from wordpress. It'll be gone next week when subscriptions ends.

This feels better than previous website. Has potential to expand to other things I want to do. That's all for this week. See ya.