Product updates and Q4 plan

August 19, 2023

It has been 1.5 years since I started this company. I feel I am ready to take the next bold step. For this company to thrive, I see two options: 

  1. Find a co-founder, get funding, build something big, launch new product.
  2. Stay solo, start Kickstarter campaign, spend lots of resource on promotion, launch new product.

There is a constant re-evaluation of my goals, direction and the products I'm putting out. With the above in mind, I'm outlining some changes happening in the next few months.

  1. MR.Pacman X Hands will be renamed to Mixed Reality Pacman; hands feature to fend off ghost is canceled. Mixed Reality Pacman will be shared to anyone who's interested as APK on Sidequest or straight download from this website.
  2. Ninja Trainer will be completed and polished as best as I can by 8/25/2023 as one level demo, with potential to be used as Kickstarter project.
  3. I will be actively seeking co-founder on YC Co-founder matching and other places. I have already met with nine different people. It's like dating, but with mostly guys talking about technology. There are some interesting people that I have met, even though we will not join forces, it's good to meet other solo dev and make each other feel less lonely.
  4. There will be one product planned immediately after Ninja Trainer. I will put all my hearts and soul into this product and the target is to be qualified to be placed on the Quest App store or even Steam.

These moves are necessary for planning and executing what gives the company the best chance to thrive. I'm nervous about all of this. It's okay to be uncertain. As long as I am waking up with exciting ideas, determination to build, play and repeat, I will keep going!