7 Bounces

IOS Appstore

Android Appstore

This game is built with Unity and Niantic Lightship ARDK. An augmented reality game that ask player to place a virtual game table in their environment. Then bounce a ball on the table then into the basket by specific number of times in order to advance to next stage.

The ball mass is constant, when player clears first 7-bounces, the player has to select a different planet where gravity will be different. The physics of ball and bounciness will be affected by the change in gravity.

This is an app created for Lightship Template Challenge. It is also currently under review in the iOS store. I will post App Store link as soon as it is approved.

For those who have unlocked Expert Mode and have completed the game on Expert Mode, fill out this form and you will be added to the Masters of 7 Bounces page.